
Simply Changing WHEN and WHAT KIND of Collagen You Use Provides Even BETTER Results! “Bedtime is the BEST Time...”

by Jim Caras

Y OU’VE SEEN THE ADS: “Just add it right into to your smoothie,” or “You can bake and cook with it,” or this “Just stir it into your coffee or tea” with most companies recommending that you use collagen “any time” during the day. But, is this really the best time and way to take collagen? After 25 years, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of doses, and working with thousands of health professionals and people like you, I can tell you that bedtime is the best time to take your collagen. Why Nighttime is Primetime for Collagen While you sleep, your body repairs cells, builds muscle tissue and lean body The Advantages of Collagen Before Bed *

mass, restores energy reserves, releases protein and hormones, and repairs and builds new collagen . To do all this work, your body needs protein, or its building blocks called amino acids. Your body gets those amino acids during a catabolic process where it breaks down its own muscle (lean body mass, which includes your collagen). Then your body uses those amino acids as raw materials in an anabolic phase to build and repair itself. Around the age of 25, the catabolic breakdown begins to outpace the anabolic repair. Experts believe this is a key part of aging , and why some people age faster and look older than their years. But we can change this - and that’s why using collagen before bedtime is vitally important… How Collagen Works Better at Bedtime… Unlike other protein sources, collagen contains a specific combination of high- nitrogen amino acids that build and repair the body. The most important are Glycine , Proline , Arginine , Hydroxyproline , and Hydroxylysine . In fact, collagen contains 701% MORE of these amino acids than whey protein, and 461% MORE than popular plant-based proteins. When taken before bed, collagen is highly effective as it provides the optimal amino acids to repair, preserve, and build your collagen-rich lean body mass. The result is GREATER beauty, joint, bone, and gut benefits than when taking it any other time of day. But here is the wrinkle... the kind of collagen you take matters …a lot. Before I

tell you more about that, you should know about the extra benefits you only get when taking collagen before sleep… Why You Will Burn Fat While You Sleep It’s true! Collagen helps turn your body’s metabolism into a fat-burning machine. Here’s how it works... Your muscle helps regulate your metabolism, and more muscle means you’ll have a higher overall metabolism. Since collagen preserves your lean muscle during sleep, fat is then used as energy or “burned” to fuel all the catabolic breakdown and anabolic repair work that occurs. Additionally, your body ends up burning more fat during the day too! This happens because collagen is also building your previously lost muscle and lean body mass so your metabolism increases. But fair warning, you’ll miss out on collagen’s added fat loss benefit if you take it during the day, or with food because

Get BETTER Results: 1 FULLER Hair 1 YOUNGER Skin 1 STRONGER Nails 1 FLEXIBLE Joints 1 STRONGER Bones 1 HEALTHIER Gut Plus EXTRA Benefits: 1 BURNS Fat 1 BETTER Body Tone 1 IMPROVES Sleep

“Besides the beauty benefits, my clients’ report better weight loss, and even better sleep, when taking collagen micropeptides before bed.” Dorothy Dawn Registered Dietitian Nutritionist My Clients’ “Night Cap”

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