#1 Doctor Recommended Medical-Grade Collagen Micropeptides S O WHAT IS THE BEST COLLAGEN TO USE AT BEDTIME? For over 40 years, 4,700 doctors, hospitals, and health professionals have used highly concentrated, medical-grade liquid collagen micropeptides found in AminoSculpt ® for all the same reasons you will want to use it:

eating increases blood sugar and triggers insulin production. Better “Natural Fasting” Results You have probably read about or tried fasting, where you don’t eat or drink for an extended period. The body then burns fat for ener- gy instead of using food you have

1 DON’T Mix, Just Pour... There’s no mixing, stirring, shaking, containers, or refrigeration needed – simply pour, sip, and sleep. 1 You ONLY Need 1 Oz (2 Tbsps) It’s highly concentrated, so you get the most collagen in the smallest dose . It comes in three flavors and contains zero sugar. 1 EASY On Your Gut It’s triple hydrolyzed into micropeptides, which means no digestion and zero “protein” bloat. 1 Clinically PROVEN This is the ONLY COLLAGEN backed by three published medical studies, and the only one ever patented for weight loss, increasing lean body mass, and overall bodily healing. 1 Builds ALL 28 TYPES of Collagen 90% of your body is Type 1 and your body uses these specific micropeptides to build ALL 28 Types of collagen - not only Types 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 added to “multi” collagen products.

eaten. Sleep is your natural fasting period. This is why it is important not to eat close to bedtime. Without sufficient pro- tein (including those high nitrogen amino acids) when fasting for longer periods and during sleep, your body will use its own muscle for fuel. Using collagen at bedtime doesn’t break your fast, pre- vents muscle breakdown and helps you burn fat. Fasting” Results STOP Missing Collagen’s Sleep Benefits! One of collagen’s most amazing “extra” benefits is how it improves sleep.

I first suggested people use collagen at bedtime 25 years ago. Immediately, many reported getting a great night’s sleep and waking up more refreshed. There wasn’t supporting research at the time, but I knew it had to do with the timing of taking collagen’s amino acids in the highly concentrated, “predigested” liquid form we were using. Years later, researchers found that the amino acid, Glycine , helps you easily drift off and sleep more deeply without changing the time you are asleep. Handily, collagen is a rich source of Glycine! Why Many Collagen Products Do NOT Work Well At Bedtime Most people think all collagen products work the same. They don’t. The reason is a big industry secret: Most collagen supplements simply cannot be digested or absorbed well enough to be effective at bedtime. Popular “collagen foods” like bone broth, gelatin, hydrolyzed collagen – and even many collagen “peptide” supplements – are not “hydrolyzed” (broken down into small absorbable peptides, a.k.a. predigested) enough. This means your body is forced to

digest them – which is a critical problem, especially at bedtime. Digestion is one of the most energy- consuming processes of the body and activating it at bedtime interrupts sleep. Further, poorly or non-hydrolyzed collagen isn’t going to be digested well, or at all, robbing you of its benefits. Plus, it can give you gas or stomach upsets. For collagen to be effective, especially at bedtime, it must be hydrolyzed into micropeptides . Then it can bypass digestion, be fully absorbed, and quickly go to work repairing the body, promoting better sleep, burning fat, and maximizing ALL of collagen’s other benefits. The Trouble With Powder Collagen at Bedtime Besides being poorly hydrolyzed and hard to absorb, the problem with many collagen powders is the liquid you need to add to and mix with them. Powdered collagens require 6-12 ounces of liquid, which dilutes your digestive enzymes and further interferes with the collagen’s absorption. THEN the resulting trip(s) to the bathroom from all

that liquid before bed interrupts sleep. Lastly, who really wants to add powder to liquid, vigorously shake or stir it, then clean it up before bed? Fortunately, there is an easier and better solution... The Collagen Doctors Recommend to Other Doctors Here’s the biggest secret: Doctors use AminoSculpt’s medical-grade collagen micropeptides! Why? Because: 1) they are the only clinically proven and medically used collagen, 2) they build ALL 28 Types of collagen, 3) they’re easy to use, and 4) they are easily absorbed, which provides the extra benefits you don’t get with powder collagens ( see details in the blue box above ). AminoSculpt is available in Indep- endent Health Food stores exclusively from Health Direct and is not available in mass market or drug store chains. Plus it comes with a money-back guarantee. Switch to bedtime today and start enjoying ALL of collagen’s benefits!  Jim Caras is one of the first to recommend collagen over 25 years ago. He’s written an anti-aging book and many articles on it.

© 2023 Inspired Health Publishing, LLC. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in- tended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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